2D Scanning
2D surface metrology describes the measurement and characterization of micro- and nano-scale features on natural or manufactured surfaces. This can be achieved very efficiently by capturing the 2D spatial coordinates of points on a surface using a optical technique.
Optical measurement systems have some crucial advantages over tactile approaches. First and foremost, the measurement is non-contact, so no damage can occur to the object being measured. Optical techniques can measure through transparent media. They are fast and flexible, and they also yield 2D (areal) results. Last but not least, absolute measurement performance is dependent upon wavelength and numerical aperture.
The most common optical techniques available are confocal, interferometry and focus variation. Each of these has their own particular set of strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, in order to provide the user with maximum versatility for 2D surface measurements across varying scales and structure types, Sensofar Metrology’s high-end optical profiler systems uniquely incorporate the three most common optical techniques.
- Capture Data Rapidly
- Shortened production cycles
- Increased manufacturing efficiency
- Improved product quality
- Shorten Manufacturing and Production Cycles
- Increase Manufacturing Efficiency
- Improve Product Quality
- Change Real Shop Floor Production